Our Lady Loves You Lay Formation
The Lay Formation Program, developed by Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God. SOLT provides a unique opportunity for the Lay Faithful to answer the call of the God the Father, to participate in the New Evangelization, and use their varied gifts to build up the Kingdom of God in union with the Holy Catholic Church. Currently there are several groups in the United States meeting weekly for formation in Eudora, Kansas, Covington, Georgia and Corpus Christi, Texas.
Here is an excerpt from the teachings of Year One:
The Purpose and Meaning of Life
Divine Way of Love
Our Father's desire is to see Jesus Christ come alive in our lives. Jesus reveals the meaning of life to us. Jesus Christ reveals man to himself. We are mysteries to ourselves. Jesus came to unfold that mystery, to let us know that we are loved, and to empower us so we can return this love. This is not just a merely human love. We are invited to a Divine way of love.
Would you like to receive this Divine Way of Love? Would you like to be formed into this Divine Way of Love? Our heavenly Father every moment of our lives is forming us into Jesus Christ. What a blessed life we are all invited to embrace, if only we can accept it.
I know that this gift is so great that there are many out there who may hesitate at the call to greatness - but you are created for greatness in God's love. No matter what has happened in your life, know that God loves you, and that God has a plan for your life. He will form you into His beloved son Jesus Christ. You will participate in the life of God. We all need help though, and all have to begin somewhere.
Today if you hear His voice harden not your hearts. Respond to this invitation.
To view the complete teachings of Year One or to learn more about the program visit: