Friday, May 10, 2013

Pray with us the Novena to the Holy Spirit

How does sorrow turn to joy, water turn to wine, wine turn to the precious Blood of the Lamb?  The Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 10th to Saturday, May 18th, the whole Church with the holy Apostles and Our Lady, prays a novena to ask for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church and upon all mankind.

Join us in praying the novena to the Holy Spirit, which is a litany inspired by Blessed Pope John Paul II's Encyclical on the Holy Spirit, Dominum et Vivificantem:


Here is the First Day

Spirit of the Father and the Son; Spirit-Counselor; Spirit-Gift

Response after each invocation: (R.) We adore and glorify You with the Father and the Son.

Holy Spirit: Spirit of the Father and the Son; R.
Holy Spirit: Breath of the divine life; R.
Holy Spirit: Divine Person, adored and glorified with the Father and the Son; R.
Holy Spirit: Person-love of the Father and the Son; R.
Holy Spirit: Union of the Father and the Son; R.
Holy Spirit: Transcendent God, Infinite Spirit; R.
Holy Spirit: Eternal Spirit; R.
Holy Spirit: Spirit of Love; R.
Holy Spirit: Spirit of Life; R.
Holy Spirit: Spirit of Truth; R.
Holy Spirit: Spirit of saving grace; R.
Holy Spirit: Vital principle of the Church; R.
Holy Spirit: Source and dynamic power of the Church's renewal; R.
Holy Spirit: Center of the Christian faith; R.
Holy Spirit: Supreme source of Christian unity; R.
Holy Spirit: Lord and giver of life; Rivers of living water flowing from the believer's heart; R.
Holy Spirit: Spring of water welling up to eternal life. R.

Holy Spirit: Counselor, coming after Jesus the first Counselor, bearing and giving the Good News; R.
Holy Spirit: Bearing witness to Jesus; R.
Holy Spirit: Man's supreme guide; R.
Holy Spirit: Light of the human spirit; R.
Holy Spirit: In whom the glory of Christ shines forth; R.
Holy Spirit: Continuing the Redeemer's historical presence and saving work; R.
Holy Spirit: Taking what is Christ's and declaring it to us; R.
Holy Spirit: Continuing to manifest, as invisible Counselor in the Church, the supreme and complete self-revelation of God accomplished in Christ; R.
Holy Spirit: Convincing the world of sin and righteousness and judgment. R.

Holy Spirit: Spirit-Gift; Source of all giving of gifts; R.
Holy Spirit: Source of the gift of existence to all things; R.
Holy Spirit: Source of the gift to man of a special image and likeness to God; R.
Holy Spirit: Source of the gift of man to have a personal relationship with God, a covenant communion with God; R.
Holy Spirit: Source of man's call to friendship with God; R.
Holy Spirit: Present in Creation, moving over the face of the waters, manifesting God's salvific self-giving; R.
Holy Spirit: In Whom is transmitted the new salvific self-giving of God linked with the mystery of Redemption. R.