Monday, December 19, 2011

UPDATED Memorial Masses for Fr Santan Pinto, SOLT

Here are the update of memorial Masses for Fr Santan Pinto, SOLT:

December 21 – St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Spokane, WA 6pm
                        - St. Brigid Catholic Church, Memphis, TN 6pm
December 22 – Our Lady of Corpus Christi Adoration Chapel , Corpus Christi, TX
                       –10am Our Lady of Victory, Paris, TX 6pm
December 24 – Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, 4pm
December 25 – Sacred Heart Church, Guelph, Canada, 9am
December 26 -  30 Gregorian Masses, Monastery,  Pittsburgh, PA
December 27 – St. Mel’s Catholic Church, Fair Oaks, CA, 7pm
                                - St. Joseph’s Catholic Church , Newton, NJ , 8am
December 28 – St. Alphonsus Church, Seattle, WA, 10am
December 29 – Sacred Heart Church, Guelph, Canada, 7pm
December 30 – St.s Francis and Anne Church, Kolin, LA 5:30pm (rosary),  6pm Mass
December 31 – Our Lady of Belen Catholic Church, New Mexico, 10am
January 3 – Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, 8am
January 7 – Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Helotes, TX, 8am
January 17  -Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, 8pm
January 28 – St. Benedict’s Church, Mohnton, PA ,  9:30(rosary) ,10am Mass

Let us continue to pray for the eternal repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family.  Fr Pinto died in a car accident while visiting his family in India.  Correction from previous post: His friend was driving the car and is fine, while his friend's nephew is still in critical condition.