Friday, April 8, 2011

Sharing in the Mission of Our Lady's Society

Following Christ in the spirit of Our Lady for many leads them to want to do "something more."  Here are some ways you may be called to serve in Our Lady's Society:

Lay Volunteers-  especially if you are not sure what to do with your life, but you want to live in healthy, happy, and holy environment serving God in the generous service of a Catholic mission. Many young people after college go to our missions to serve as the grow in maturity of communion with God and the Church.

Missionary of Mercy-  to offer sufferings and prayers for missionaries

Financial Support-  it costs money to send missionaries and support the great works of the Church. You can join in our mission by supporting those who have given their lives in service to God's people.

Priesthood or Consecrated Brotherhood-  to serve the Church in Persona Christi as a priest of Jesus Christ, or to be consecrated for the salvation of all mankind as a Brother to all, making vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity.

Consecrated Sisters-  women who are called to live as a Spouse of Christ, making vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity; to be the very sign and presence of Our Lady on earth, serving those in need.

Lay Apostolate-  single or married lay faithful who strive to bring this world to be on earth as it is in heaven. There are those who feel called to leave their homes and join us in our missions, but also those who are called to remain where they are and participate in our Lay Formation Program, Our Lady Loves You. There are different types of lay membership in SOLT to facilitate these different callings and levels of committment.

Permanent Diaconate-  men who feel called to live out the "diakonia," or servanthood, of Christ as an ordained minister of the Church. These men are especially called to witness the presence of Christ who said, "I am among you as one who serves."

Consecrated Widows-  women who are called to live out in a special way Our Lady's motherhood and intercession for the Church.

For More information click here.