Monday, September 19, 2011

Ministry to Migrants

Some of the migrant team with the children of the traveling families 
A mission that is very dear to the heart of Our Lady began through her Society in the year 1963. At that time, The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity began serving the migrant workers in the Central States (Region) of the United States ; especially in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Nebraska and Wyoming . The migrant workers labor in the fields harvesting, hoeing and planting the crops from sunrise to sunset. The priests of Our Lady’s Ecclesial Teams serving in this mission to migrant workers celebrate Holy Mass each day. The other members of the Ecclesial Team prepare the migrants for the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation; visiting with and counseling the families while priests validate and bless the marriages. The whole Ecclesial Team serves in the numerous corporal Works of Mercy as well as in areas of socio-cultural needs and development. The mission formally begins each year in May and concludes at the end of the Migrant season of labor in October. The members of the Ecclesial Team of Our Lady’s Society return at this point with the Migrant workers to the south of Texas where the apostolic work continues in service to the needs of these poor and marginalized families.
Baptism, First Confession and First Holy Communion, and Confirmation
are often prepared and celebrated by the traveling migrant team
Sister Agnes is teaching the children how to pray