The following is from the SOLT Priests' Constitution on Prayer:
Br Beau praying at the National Shrine of the Little Flower in San Antonio, Texas |
Prayer is a gift of the Triune God. Prayer for members of Our Lady’s Society means living relationships in oneness with Our Father in his goodness and love, with Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, and with the Holy Spirit.
Our prayer of meditation and contemplation strengthens our ministry. It bonds us in community life into a family and blesses our union with the Triune God.
Our lives of prayer each day center in Christ Jesus through celebrating the Eucharist. By celebrating the Eucharist we give thanks to God the Father and we praise his glory through the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything in our Society life, especially our apostolic activity and our striving for sanctity, flows from the Eucharist and returns to it. We live daily from Communion to Communion as we progress through the Liturgical year.
In the prayer of celebrating the Sacraments, our union with Jesus brings us to share in the highest tokens of his love.
Our frequent celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a continual conversion towards our Baptismal Resurrection life.
Our communal celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours is our prayer with Christ to our Father. Thus we celebrate the Divine Office in common unless excused by apostolic needs or charity.