Saturday, June 4, 2011

Evangelizing Catholic Bookstore

Our Lady of Corpus Christi Opens Catholic Bookstore

There is a very real hunger to know our faith.  We need to be fed good food, solid Catholic doctrine.  All too often it is possible to go to look for some spiritual nourishment and find some counterfeit spirituality, weak moral teaching, or a general lack of vigor or fervor in spiritual discipline and life.  This is why opening a Catholic bookstore is a way of spreading the Gospel and helping Catholics to grow strong in their faith.

If you go into the St Maximillian Kolbe Building at Our Lady of Corpus Christi, we hope you will find good spiritual food to grow in your faith and in relationship with God, Our Lady, the Saints & Angels, and in communion and fellowship with the Church.  Often the retreatants there, who are brought deeper into communion with God, discover a need to feed this communion with truth.

To know more contact the staff of Our Lady of Corpus Christi:

(361) 289-9095