From the office of Rev. Gerard J. Sheehan, solt, Regional Priest Servant, American Region
As a Society of Apostolic Life in the Catholic Church, the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) assumes sole and full responsibility for all our members while we live in communion with the hierarchy of the Church and in obedience to local ecclesiastical authorities. This is the framework within which the investigation of the allegations against Father John Corapi is being conducted. We move forward in full obedience to canon law, according to the above stated precepts and in good faith.
Father John Corapi is a priest in good standing with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. In his sacred duty as a priest, as all priests should do, he has brought Christ’s ministry to many individuals. Any allegation(s) against Fr. Corapi must not be taken lightly, just as any allegations against any priest must not be taken lightly. As religious superior who is responsible for the pastoral care of Father John Corapi, I take his needs and those of the alleged injured parties into consideration at this time with equal concern and pastoral care.
The current status of the case is as follows:
Fr. John Corapi is on administrative leave. A preliminary investigation, which includes the initial review of any and all accusations of alleged improprieties made against him is actively underway. The decision to place Father Corapi on administrative leave is a prudential decision, similar to how other institutions conduct internal investigations. It is not a penal act but does signal the serious concern with which our religious society views allegations against a member, as well as our desire to assist in pastoral action with transparency, efficiency and in a manner which also serves as a protection for the accused and the alleged victim, and in service to all the faithful.
At the conclusion of the preliminary investigation, the Society will provide further information.
Rev. Gerard J. Sheehan, solt, Regional Priest Servant, American Region