Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bishop Jose Rojas Visits SOLT Theology House and Nazareth Family and Life Center

Bishop Jose Rojas, Jr, D.D. visited the SOLT Theology House of the Asia-Pacific Region on Saturday, June 7th, 2014.  During the homily he said that he felt at home enough with our community to informally invite himself to get to know the seminarians, whom he was responsible for recommending for ordination.  Bishop Mulvey, the bishop protector of SOLT and ordinary of the principal see of our community, had asked him to give the final word of recommendation of our men preparing to receive Holy Orders.

He also reflected on the Gospel for the day, noting that each of the apostles, Sts Peter, Paul, and John, had respective gifts and place in the community, just as the formators and seminarians each have different gifts that complement each other when given in service of Jesus Christ for the Church.

It just so happened that the day Bishop Rojas was available to visit, the Nazareth Family and Life center would be planting 3000 trees to kick-off a sustainable income project to fund the SOLT laity.  Fr Fausto Malanyaon, SOLT, the Regional Lay Director, had been planning this event for months and had invited many different groups to join in on the fun. Each participant was given a straw hat and a t-shirt commemorating the event.

Here are some pictures:

The Gray Robes Spring 2014 Edition is Here

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

New SOLT Priest Ordained in Papua New Guinea Today

Today, May 31st, 2014, the Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady, in the Archdiocese of Mount Hagan, Papua New Guinea, Fr Willie Witne, SOLT, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood by Archbishop Douglas Young at his home parish in Olga. Tomorrow he will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving at the Kagamuga Outstation which is the chapel closest to his village.

In Papua New Guinea, an ordination is an all-day affair, taking up to 6 hours. Before the ceremony, the people of the village usually cook 10-15 pigs by burying them in the middle of the village with hot rocks, which cooks during the ordination rite.  This is called Mu-Mu.  The ordinand processes to the Church from his home wearing traditional tribal dress. He is met by elders and people of the village, who greet him with a variety of dances and songs, some made up for the occasion. 

When arriving at the Church, the ordinand, vests in his diaconal attire and the rite proceeds according to the Roman Rite. Afterward, there is a huge banquet, and the newly ordained priest gives blessings to the people and thanksgiving speech to God and to the community for the great blessing of being ordained "from among men and made their representative before God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins" (Hebrews 5:1).

Fr Witne processed from his home to the Church where he was ordained.
Deacon Witne stands before the Archbishop when called and says, "PRESENT!"

Deacon Witne lays prostrate as the people invoke the Saints
Fr Witne receives the gift of Holy Orders by the laying on of hands of the Bishop.
Here the priests, as a sign of their fraternity, lay hands on him.
Here newly ordained Fr Witne gives first blessing

Two New SOLT Priests Ordained in Corpus Christi, Texas

Today, Saturday, May 31st, 2014, the Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady, the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity is rejoiced with two new priests.

Bishop Mulvey of Corpus Christi Diocese with Archbishop Philip Naameh of Ghana,
with the newly ordained priests, Fr Michael Slovak, SOLT
(immediately right of the bishop), Fr Tristan Abbott (right of Fr Slovak),

Fr Michael Slovak receives the character of Sacred Priesthood
by the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit

Bishop Mulvey layin hands on Fr Tristan Abbot, SOLT

Fr Slovak will be assigned at Christ the King parish in Corpus Christi, Texas, and Fr Abbott will be assigned at Nuestra Señora del Refugio in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

We are so grateful to God for our new priests.  Please pray for them.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Photos from the Perpetual Profession Today of Six SOLT Sisters

First Homily of New Regional Priest Servant, Fr Jerry Drolshagen, SOLT

Only a few hours after being chosen as the new Regional Superior, Fr Jerry Drolshagen gave this homily, May 28, 2014, at Our Lady of Corpus Christi, in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Sr Miriam James, SOLT, gives a talk on the Joy of the Gospel at the American Regional Assembly

This talk was given on Tuesday, May 27th at Our Lady of Corpus Christi.

Sister Miriam says that gospel joy is a gift, a holy desire, from God, who touches and heals us sinners in His kindness.

More Pics from the American Assembly

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Priests of Our Lady's Society

New Regional Priest Servant of the American Region

Fr Jerry Drolshagen, SOLT
has been chosen as the new Regional Priest Servant
of the American Region


1st Assistant, Fr Dennis Walsh, SOLT 
2nd Assistant, Fr Mark Wendling, SOLT